
Description of the apartment

The 1-bedroom apartment of 21 m2 offers a small kitchenette with a microwave, hob, kettle, coffee maker, fridge and crockery. The room has bed of sleeping 2 people, a TV and a table with chairs. The bathroom offers a comfortable shower. The apartment has a garden.

Long term rental for 12 months or more. Rental price CZK 9.000/month according to the contract + 4,500 / month flat rate for services (heating, water, electricity, wifi, cleaning, maintenance, waste collection)

For short-term rental, booking is only possible by email

The price of a short-term rental is approx. 500/night/person, depending on the date.

Customer has read the following terms & conditions and has agreed that:

Cancellation conditions:

Cancellation charge if cancelled up to 14 days prior to arrival. Cancellation charge if cancelled within 14 days of arrival is 100% of the cost of your stay.

General Kitchen Other
  • 2 person
  • Balcony
  • Bathroom
  • Kitchenette
  • TV
  • Wifi
  • Dishes
  • Water boiler
  • Hob
  • Coffe maker
  • Microwave
  • Refrigerator

  • Shower
  • Toilet paper
  • Bed linen, towels

Apt. 1
New Year's Eve

Prices in Crowns / person / night. Apartments always pay for the full number of possible people. Each rental of the apartment is charged a lump sum of CZK 500 for cleaning services. January prices are valid from 3.1., December prices are always valid until 18.12.

The apartment is located in 1rd floor

Handing over and taking over the apartment

For the variability of your arrival and departure,are provided key mailboxes at the entrance of the building with a numeric code, which will be sent to the contact telephone number after the financial conditions have been settled. Each mailbox is described by the number of the apartment you have booked. After picking up the key from the clipboard, select the “000” code. When re-inserting the key into the clipboard, select the code already mentioned, insert the key, locking the locked position, and select the “000” code again.